Thursday, February 23, 2012

Haunted Houses

Haunted Houses or Creepy Looking houses are what i truly love! The eerie feeling that you aren't safe or you are being watch by something you could walk through is so spine chilling cool!
What about this image doesnt make you excited.....The chance to see something that you "Shouldn't" see......
This house is truly beautiful in sooo many ways! From the age of it to the lines and curves of the design. I wonder what it looks like in side and who all still occupy this home!

"These creaky homes and hotels have a hair-raising history they just can’t escape – and visitors that just won’t leave BY AMY SCHELLENBAUM. Winchester Mystery House: At the turn of the 20th century, a wealthy widow in San Jose, California consulted a psychic, who told her construction on her California home would deflect the spirits who died at the wrong end of the “gun that won the west.” For 38 years carpenters worked at all hours, building dozens of eerie add-ons and mazes to bewilder the ghosts. The result? Perhaps the most bizarre estate in American history."


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